With war preparations in “an advanced state of readiness”, hi-tech weapons systems including nuclear warheads being fully deployed, the collapse of major banks, 14 million people unemployed, companies embarking on massive layoffs, people losing their homes, food prices soaring, inflation at an all-time high, and the US not giving up war to care for its people who have had enough…there’s a lot for us to be concerned about. But there’s no need to be scared if we’re adequately prepared.
Another catastrophe like 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, a major power outage, or even a collapse in the economy could come any day. Whatever the circumstances, the solution is to have an emergency plan for what you’re going to do in case of an emergency. So what will you do?
Awareness is a first step towards a solution – Educate yourself. If you are prepared, you will be less likely to panic. Even if you aren’t, do not panic! If we succumb to fear, we will lose it all. Secure yourself, stay alert and remain vigilant.
Community Preparation
Once you know, it’s your obligation to inform others. After establishing your emergency/evacuation routines with your family, make sure your friends have their own plans. Then you can reach out to the local community (churches, associations, etc.) to discuss the need for such plans.
What we need to consider in any emergency situation is that our neighborhood grocery stores and super markets can dry up in days, depending how frantic people are to get their supplies; you can expect there will be rioting, violence, confusion and pandemonium. If there is an economy crash, you will have problems finding food and gas and left at the mercy of the government if you don’t start planning ahead. When folks are ready to rob or hurt you for food, you don’t want to get caught out there alone. Also keep in mind, your emergency services will be overwhelmed and are not going to be there to handle what’s coming at them. Neither will there be enough National Guards to police the whole nation (looking at Katrina when they had to bring in multiple states to handle their catastrophe).
Initially you and/or your family will want to align with or start up a group to identify community target areas, e.g., neighborhood tenant and block association; community schools and houses of worship; neighborhood grassroots and street organizations and mainstream political groups. Also special tactics and training such as street first aid and police/military occupation survival would be a plus.
Water is going to be your most important commodity (Second will be food which we will get to in the end). When you don’t have means to pump water from a source or a well, you’re going to need some stored away. You’ll need about a gallon per person, per day, for at least a two weeks supply. When you run out, you need to be prepared to treat whatever water you find so that it’s safe for drinking. There’s three main methods for this:
Boiling: Boiling is the safest method of treating water. Boiled water will taste better if you put oxygen back into it by pouring the water back and forth between two clean containers. This also will improve the taste of stored water. Let the water cool before drinking.
Chlorination: You can use household liquid bleach to kill microorganisms. Use only regular household liquid bleach that contains 5.25 to 6.0% sodium hypochlorite. Add 16 drops (1/8 teaspoon) of bleach per gallon of water, stir, and let stand for 30 minutes. The water should have a slight bleach odor. If it doesn’t, then repeat the dosage and let stand another 15 minutes. If it still does not smell of chlorine, discard it and find another source of water.
Distillation: The most effective way to remove other contaminants like heavy metals, salts, and most other chemicals. Distillation involves boiling water and then collecting only the vapor that condenses. Tie a cup to the handle on the pot’s lid so that the cup will hang right-side-up when the lid is upside-down (make sure the cup is not dangling into the water) and boil the water for 20 minutes. The water that drips from the lid into the cup is distilled.
Emergency Kits
The following is built around what you will need as a family when you are away from home. Either kit or backpack can be thrown in a vehicle without a problem. You, of course, can personalize your kit to make it better or to add other needs over time. It’s always good to have extra items in your kit, just in case you come across someone else needing help.
Disaster Supply Kit: Keep at least one complete change of clothing and footwear per person in the disaster kit. If you live in a rainy or cold weather climate, also consider including an extra set of thermal underwear, hats and gloves, or rain gear. You’ll also want to pack:
a sleeping bag, blanket and extra clothing
infant and small children’s needs (if appropriate)
first aid kit and manual
personal hygiene supplies
plastic garbage bags and twist
ties (for personal sanitation uses)
portableradio(preferablyahand cranked radio that doesn’t use batteries)
shovel and other useful tools
money and waterproof matches in
a waterproof container
fire extinguisher
compass and map of the area (for locating shelters)
disinfectant/disinfecting wipes, hand sanitizer
householdchlorinebleach(really important for purifying water)
non-electric can opener
utility knife
flashlights and extra batteries
prescriptions (all to last two weeks)
glasses/contact lenses
copies of important documents (insurance policies, birth certificates, passports
paper and pen
whistle (in case you’re trapped) You’ll also need one gallon of water per person, per day, to last at least two weeks, and food that isn’t refrigerated: nutrition bars, breakfast bars, canned food, and dry goods. Check the contents of your kit every six months and replace these items (mentioned above) as needed: food, water,
outgrown clothes, and weak batteries.
These items should be stored in a container that is easy to locate and carry. If the container is not waterproof, place individuals items in sealed plastic bags. The kit should be stored in a safe, secure area that will still be easily accessible in the event of an emergency.
Food: Have a two-week supply of food on hand of nonperishable food in your disaster kit. Choose foods that are easy to carry, high in calories, nutritious and ready-to-eat. Individuals with special diets and allergies will need particular attention, as will babies, toddlers and the elderly, nursing mothers may need liquid formula, juices, and soups may be helpful for the ill or elderly. Include vitamin, mineral and protein supplements in your stockpile to assure adequate nutrition.
Backpack for Kids: When it comes down to it, even kids need to be in control and not to lose their head. Stay away from bright colors, bright clothing and backpacks. Neutral colors will help you blend in with your surroundings better. Also, water restraint bags can be made easily with silicon spray. Your best bet: Glenwood Canyon Internal Frame Pack by Remington. For only $23, it has many of the same features found on packs that are at least twice the price. For what the kids will be lugging, this fits the bill perfectly!
Car Kit: There may come a time where you may have to leave without even being able to grab your bag. You never know what turn of events may take place causing you to evacuate! I hope you never have to use these, but it’s better to have a “bare essentials” kit in your car just in case!
Firearms: The Second Amendment to the Constitution states: “A well- regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Persons who are not eligible to possess a firearm or ammunition are: fugitives from justice; illegal aliens; unlawful users of certain drugs; those committed to a mental institution; those convicted of crimes punishable by imprisonment for more than one year (which generally covers felonies); and those convicted of crimes of domestic violence. In most states, nearly everyone else over the 18
(You can make “Strike On Box” Matches waterproof yourself and spare the expense of purchasing them! There are several methods but nail polish works well with very little mess.) can own a rifle or a shotgun, and nearly everyone else over the age of 21 can own a handgun. However, it’s not enough to have one. Without proper training, it’s useless.
Last but not least, in addition to The Hood Health Handbook, you’re going to need Supreme Design Publishing’s urban survival manual, When It Hits the Fan, which will be released sometime in early 2011. Until then, you have this.
Do less consuming and store away. By doing so we’ve already taken major steps to being better prepared for an emergency.