The Healing Power of Vegetables

The following list is a sampling of the health benefits of
Alfalfa: One of the most popular sprouts, Alfalfa is a
good source of vitamins A, B, C, D, E, F, and K and is
rich in many minerals, as well as many enzymes needed
for digestion. Alfalfa sprouts are high in phytoestrogens –
known to have preventive elements for cancer, heart
diseases, menopausal symptoms, and osteoporosis.
Artichokes: High in fiber, as well as a flavonoid that has
been shown to reduce skin cancer. May also reduce
cholesterol levels.
Arugula: This green contains cancer-preventative
compounds known as isothiocyanates.
Asparagus: High in the antioxidant glutathione, which
appears to lower cancer risk.
Beets: Beta-cyanin, which gives them their reddish-purple
color, is a disease-fighting antioxidant. Beets are richer
than spinach in iron and other minerals. Helpful in cases
of anemia, tuberculosis, constipation, poor appetite,
obesity, tumors, gout, and pimples. Also helpful in the
elimination of irritating drug poisons.
Beans: (Including legumes, navy, black, kidney, pinto,
soybeans, black-eyed peas and lentils) One-half cup of
cooked beans daily reduces cholesterol an average 10%
and regulates blood sugar levels. An excellent food for
diabetics. Linked to lower rates of certain cancers. Very
high in fiber.
Broccoli: Abundant in antioxidants, including quercetin,
glutathione, beta-carotene, vitamin C, lutein, glucarate,
sulforaphane. Extremely high in cancer fighting activity,
particularly against lung, colon and breast cancers. Like
other cruciferous vegetables, it speeds up removal of
estrogen from the body, helping suppress breast cancer.
Rich in cholesterol reducing fiber. Has anti-viral, antiulcer activity. High in chromium, which helps regulate
insulin and blood sugar. Cooking and processing destroys
some of the antioxidants and anti-estrogenic agents, such
as indoles and glutathione. Most protective when eaten
raw or lightly cooked.
Brussels Sprouts: Possesses some of the same powers as
its relatives, broccoli and cabbage. Anti-cancer, estrogenic
and packed with various antioxidants (including plenty of
Vitamin C) and cancer-fighting indoles.
Cabbage: (including Bok Choy) Contains numerous anticancer and antioxidant compounds. Speeds up estrogen
metabolism, is thought to help block breast cancer and
suppress growth of polyps, a prelude to colon cancer.
Eating cabbage more than once a week cut men’s colon
cancer odds by 66%. As little as two daily tbsp. of cooked
cabbage protected against stomach cancer. Has antibacterial and anti-viral powers. Some of these important
compounds are destroyed by cooking. Raw cabbage, as in
cole slaw, appears to have stronger overall health value.
Raw cabbage juice helps heal ulcers in humans.
Carrots: High in beta carotene, with powerful anticancer,
artery-protecting, immune-boosting, infection-fighting,
antioxidant qualities. A carrot a day slashed stroke rates in
women by 68%. The beta carotene in one medium carrot
cuts lung cancer risk in half, even among formerly heavy
smokers. Also reduces odds of degenerative eye diseases
(cataracts and macular degeneration as well as chest pain
(angina). The high soluble fiber depresses blood cholesterol and promotes regularity. Cooking can make it easier
for the body to absorb carrot’s beta carotene.
Cauliflower: Another great source of anti-cancer indoles,
fiber, and vitamin C. Cauliflower provides special nutrient
support for three body systems that are closely connected
with cancer development as well as cancer prevention: (1)
the body’s detox system, (2) its antioxidant system, and (3)
its inflammatory/anti-inflammatory system. To preserve
these anti-cancer nutrients, raw is best, steamed is second
Celery: A remedy for high blood pressure. Also has a
mild diuretic effect. Contains eight different families of
anti-cancer compounds, such as phthalides and polyacetylenes, that detoxify carcinogens, especially cigarette
Cucumbers: Good for fevers, constipation, skin eruptions, high blood pressure, rheumatism, obesity, acidosis
and is a mild diuretic.
Green beans: Contains a variety of antioxidant carotenoids, including beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin.
Greens: (Including collard, kale, mustard, turnip) These
greens are packed with anti-cancer, antioxidant compounds (lutein, zeaxanthin, and isothiocyanates), beta
carotene, vitamin C, and 93 to 226 mg of calcium per cup.
Like other green leafy vegetables, these are all associated
with low rates of all cancers.
Kale: A rich source of various anti-cancer chemicals. Has
more beta carotene than spinach and twice as much
lutein, the most of any vegetable tested. Kale is also a
member of the cruciferous family, endowing it with
indoles that help regulate estrogen and fight off colon cancer.

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